The orgchart comes with different features all demonstrated in the following eksemples.
I order to show the items in the orgchart as selected you need to add following style to your css: { background-color: #c7e0f4; }
The style is suggested as change for the Office UI Fabric but is not yet part of the release.
This example shows the orgchart in it's most simple form without using any advanced features. Just a list with images and names.
This markup:
<uif-org-chart> <uif-org-chart-group> <uif-org-chart-persona-list> <uif-org-chart-persona ng-repeat="person in vm.items" > <uif-org-chart-image ng-src="person.imageUrl"></uif-org-chart-image> <uif-org-chart-details> <uif-org-chart-primary-text>{{}}</uif-org-chart-primary-text> </uif-org-chart-details> </uif-org-chart-persona> </uif-org-chart-persona-list> </uif-org-chart-group> </uif-org-chart>
Renders this:
{{}}The example demonstrates how the orgchart can be grouped by the property of your choice by using the uifOrgChartGroupBy filter. The images is rendered with the 'square'-style. The uif-select-mode is set to multiple. The selected items can be retrieved from the vm.selectedItems1-array.
This markup:
<uif-org-chart uif-select-mode="multiple" uif-selected-items="vm.selectedItems1"> <uif-org-chart-group ng-repeat="group in vm.items | uifOrgChartGroupBy: 'team'"> <uif-org-chart-group-title>{{group}}</uif-org-chart-group-title> <uif-org-chart-list> <uif-org-chart-persona uif-style="square" ng-repeat="person in vm.items | filter: {'team': group}" uif-item="person" uif-presence="person.presence"> <uif-org-chart-image ng-src="person.imageUrl"></uif-org-chart-image> <uif-org-chart-presence></uif-org-chart-presence> <uif-org-chart-details> <uif-org-chart-primary-text>{{}}</uif-org-chart-primary-text> <uif-org-chart-secondary-text>{{}}</uif-org-chart-secondary-text> </uif-org-chart-details> </uif-org-chart-persona> </uif-org-chart-list> </uif-org-chart-group> </uif-org-chart>
Renders this:
{{group}} {{}} {{}} Selected items from vm.selectedItem1:Name | Team |
{{}} | {{}} |
In this example the uif-select-mode is set to 'single' and presence is not used. The uif-selected on the uif-org-chart-persona-directive was used to pre-select the items when the data is applied to the chart. Please note that if multiple items has the 'selected' value set to true and the uif-select-mode is set to single, only the last item would be selected.
This markup:
<uif-org-chart uif-select-mode="single" uif-selected-items="vm.selectedItems2"> <uif-org-chart-group ng-repeat="group in vm.items | uifOrgChartGroupBy: 'team'"> <uif-org-chart-group-title>{{group}}</uif-org-chart-group-title> <uif-org-chart-list> <uif-org-chart-persona ng-repeat="person in vm.items | filter: {'team': group}" uif-item="person" uif-presence="person.presence" uif-selected="person.selected2"> <uif-org-chart-image ng-src="person.imageUrl"></uif-org-chart-image> <uif-org-chart-details> <uif-org-chart-primary-text>{{}}</uif-org-chart-primary-text> <uif-org-chart-secondary-text>{{}}</uif-org-chart-secondary-text> </uif-org-chart-details> </uif-org-chart-persona> </uif-org-chart-list> </uif-org-chart-group> </uif-org-chart>
Renders this:
{{group}} {{}} {{}} Selected items from vm.selectedItems2:Name | Team |
{{}} | {{}} |